Crucible 2.0 버전 릴리스

Highlights of Crucible 2.0

반복적 코드 리뷰

Crucible now allows you to review several revisions of a file within one review, seamlessly switching between them. Comments are linked and relative to a specific revision. This allows you to review every change that has occurred on a code file within a given period of time and hence visualise its evolution in the context of the review.

Screenshot: Iterative Reviews

새로운 사용자 인터페이스

Taking on board wide-ranging feedback from customers, the Crucible team has completely revamped the user interface of the product, adding more views on your work and allowing you to access controls from multiple locations and allowing for different work styles. Files in review are arranged in a tree for easy navigation. New viewing modes for reviews support full screen view, side-by-side diff view and single or multiple file views.

Screenshot: Reviewed files

읽음/안읽음(Read/Unread) 댓글

As you move around a review, Crucible keeps track of which comments you've seen and marks them as read. When you see a comment that you want to come back to, check the 'leave as unread' box so you don't forget it. Unlike an email thread, new comments are rarely at the bottom. That's why its especially useful to filter and highlight just the new comments when you come back to a review that's underway.

Screenshot: Unread comments

향상된 JIRA 연동

Crucible now has better JIRA integration, allowing you to see regular JIRA updates in your Crucible dashboard and create JIRA sub-tasks inline, without leaving the Crucible interface. You can still click on issue names to visit the JIRA instance they belong to, also. See instructions for JIRA configuration.

Screenshot: Enhanced JIRA Integration 

키보드 단축키

Crucible now has keyboard shortcuts for navigating around your reviews efficiently. No more repetitive strain injury from that mouse wheel.

Screenshot: Keyboard shortcuts

코드리뷰 활동상황

All the activity that happens in Crucible is available as an activity stream. Streams can be accessed per project as well as a personal stream that includes the activity from people, projects, reviews and even comments you favorite or are involved in.

Screenshot: Project review activity stream

외부 데이터베이스 사용과 백업

Crucible now supports MySQL and Postgress in addition to the embeded HSQL database. Backup and restore capabilities have also been greatly enhanced.

많은 버그 수정 및 개선사항

Visit our issue tracker to see the full list of improvements and bug fixes.


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