Confluence 3.0 버전 릴리스
2009년 6월 1일
Confluence 3.0은 대대적인 새로운 기능과 개선사항을 포함하였습니다.
이번 버전에서 새로운 매크로 브라우저(Macro Browser) 기능이 추가되어 간단히 클릭만으로 80개 이상의 Confluence 매크로를 페이지에 추가하실 수 있습니다.
매크로(Macros)를 이용하여 페이지 내에 멀티미디어나 RSS 피드, 혹은 태스크 목록과 같은 여러 도구들을 추가하실 수 있습니다.
매크로 브라우저를 통해 사용자는 쉽게 필요한 매크로를 선택하여 최종 페이지 추가 전에 미리보기를 통해 확인해 보실 수 있습니다.
또한 페이지에서 기존의 매크로 인자값을 쉽게 수정, 편집할 수 있게 되었습니다.
Confluence 3.0은 사이트 내에서 다른 사용자들과 연결할 수 있도록 하는 소셜네트워크 기능들을 제공합니다.
User Profiles(사용자 프로필) 은 이제 더욱 직관적인 레이아웃으로 다시 디자인 되었으며, 사용자가 자신의 메신저나 다른 블로그 사이트 등과 같은 정보를 공유하기 위한 추가적인 필드를 제공합니다.
Network(네트워크) 기능은 Confluence 사이트 안에서 다른 사용자의 작업을 따라가며 그 사람의 모든 활동(페이지 편집, 블로그 포스트, 상태 업데이트 등)을 확인할 수 있도록 해 줍니다.
새로운 Hover Profile(풍선 프로필창) 기능은 Confluence의 어느곳에서든 사용자명위에 마우스를 가져다 놓으면, 바로 사용자의 프로필 정보를 볼수 있는 기능입니다. Hover profiles은 사용자의 메일주소와 프로필 세부사항을 쉽게 볼수 있게 해주며 간단히 나의 인적 네트워크에 추가할 수 있도록 합니다.
마지막으로, *User Status(사용자 상태)*를 설정함으로서 팀원들에게 간단한 메시지를 보내거나, 링크를 공유하거나 하여 현재 자신이 작업중인 상황을 다른사람에게 알려줄 수 있도록 합니다. 일단 현재의 상태 메시지를 업데이트하면, 여러 활동 정보, 프로필 보기, 그리고 프로필 사이드 바 등에 모든 업데이트 된 정보가 보여지게 됩니다.
새로운 PDF Export (PDF 내보내기) 기능은 Confluence에서 가장 많이 요청된 기능으로 이제 Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)를 수정하여 PDF 내보내기를 마음대로 커스터마이즈 할 수 있습니다. 페이지 및 마진 크기, 타이틀 페이지 추가하기, 머리말과 꼬리말 커스터마이즈, 내용목록 등을 쉽게 수정 추가할 수 있으며, 또한 내보낼 문서의 일부분만을 쉽게 선택할 수 있습니다.
Rich Text Editor (리치텍스트 에디터, 위지위그 에디터) 가 이제 right-click context menu(오른쪽 컨텍스트 메뉴) 를 지원하게 되어, 더욱 쉽게 링크, 이미지, 매크로, 테이블 등을 Confluence 페이지에 추가할 수 있습니다. 또한 테이블 내에서 복사/붙여넣기가 가능해 졌습니다.
Confluence의 performance(성능) 이 standalone 버전과 클러스터 된 설치에서 매우 현저히 개선되었습니다. 더욱이, scalability 가 개선되어 이전 버전에 비하여 CPU 활용이 더욱 좋아졌습니다.
이번 릴리스의 하이라이트 기능: | 피드백: 680+ 투표가 만족됨
이전 버전의 Confluence 에서 업그레이드하기
- Confluence의 업그레이드는 매우 직관적으로 업그레이드 전에는 반드시 Confluence 홈 디렉터리와 데이터베이스를 백업 할 것을 권고합니다.
- Confluence 3.0 Upgrade Notes 를 참조하시어 plugins과 다른 업그레이드에 영향을 주는 요소를 확인하시기 바랍니다.
Confluence 3.0 주요 기능
매크로 브라우저(Macro Browser) 기능 새롭게 추가
Now you can choose from Confluence's plugin-based macros and implement them with ease, from a single point.
- Using the macro browser's fast filtering capabilities, you can quickly find any bundled macro, including additional plugin-based macros installed on your Confluence system.
- Select your macro and modify and preview its parameters before adding it to your Confluence page or blog post.
- Take a look at our documentation for more details on the new macro browser feature.
개선된 사용자 프로필
Confluence's enhanced user profiles area has been augmented to incorporate Confluence 3.0's new community-based features and to improve the overall user experience.
- User profiles now allow users to enter 'structured' information about themselves, which can be used by Confluence's community-based features.
- Each user's profile view shows a list of their own recent activities, such as page or blog post updates, changes to their profile information and status updates (described below).
- A summary of each user's profile information is displayed in a 'profile sidebar' on the right-hand side of pages within their personal space and their blog posts too. The profile sidebar appears on pages based on the default Confluence theme.
- Take a look at our documentation for more details on the enhanced user profiles feature.
The new user profile view
The new profile sidebar which appears on your blog posts or pages within your personal space
당신의 인적 네트워크 정보
The new network feature helps you keep track of what other users are doing throughout your Confluence site, by allowing you to 'follow' their recent activities.
- The activities tracked by the network feature include:
- Additions or edits to pages or blog posts, including comments of users you are following.
- Updates to statuses or profile details of users you are following.
- From the network view, you can set up an RSS feed which provides notifications on the activities of users you are following.
- Take a look at our documentation for more details on the network feature.
사용자 상태정보
User status allows you to broadcast a short message of up to 140 characters rapidly for others to see.
- Your messages could include anything from what you are currently working on to a message or a hyperlink you want to share immediately with other users.
- Other users can see your status messages on various activity streams throughout Confluence and on your profile views and personal space pages.
- Take a look at our documentation for more details on the new user status feature and your status updates page.
툴팁 프로필 정보 보기
Hover profile is a convenient tool that provides quick access to key information about other Confluence users, their user profile features and their network functions. Whenever you hover your mouse pointer over a Confluence user's name, key details about them appears in a popup balloon, such as their name, profile picture, email address and their current status.
- From a user's hover profile popup balloon, you can access the following functions:
- Follow the user to track their recent activities via your network (or stop following them).
- Directly send the user an email message via your email client.
- You can also access the following features of their user profile via their hover profile popup:
- The user's personal space.
- The user's profile, network or status updates views.
- Take a look at our documentation for more details on the new user hover profile feature.
개선된 PDF 보내기 커스터마이즈
The enhanced PDF export feature in Confluence 3.0 has been rebuilt from the ground up and provides full customisation of your PDF exports with CSS modifications, to suit your particular requirements.
- Key enhancements to PDF export customisations include the ability to:
- Customise page and margin sizes.
- Add a table of contents or add headers and footers with customisable content.
- Add a title page to your document.
- Select a subsection of a space (for example, a chapter or section) to export more easily.
- PDF exports are now up to four times faster on large spaces.
- This feature addresses some of the most highly voted Confluence issues. Important bugs in the old PDF export feature have been fixed in this new version, including:
- Fixed width columns — Table columns were consistently presented with fixed widths using the old PDF export function. However, the new PDF export function presents table columns with variable widths, as they appear on screen.
- Ability to handle landscape page exports.
- Take a look at our documentation for more details on the enhanced PDF export and PDF stylesheet features.
The old PDF export function only generated fixed-width table columns
The new PDF export feature now generates variable-width table columns
Easily add a title page when you export a space as a PDF
A table of contents is generated in the PDF by default when you export a space
It's easy to add custom headers and footers
개선된 위지위그(리치 텍스트) 에디터
The rich text editor contains several interface enhancements and bug fixes that improve its overall user experience.
- The rich text editor includes a right-click context menu, making it easier to insert links, images, macros and tables into your Confluence page or blog post.
- It is now possible to cut/copy and paste rows.
- Take a look at our documentation for more details on the rich text editor overview to see more information about its enhancements and redesigned interface.
Right-click context menu
성능 개선
A number of performance improvements have been implemented.
- Confluence is now able to use more available resources under high load conditions.
- For Confluence Standalone installations, actions are up to 2 times faster.
- For Confluence Clustered installations:
- Viewing pages is up to 2.5 times faster under medium, high and peak load.
- Other actions are up to 5 times faster under medium load and 10 times faster under high and peak load.
- For more information, please refer to the Confluence 3.0 performance improvements documentation.
Confluence Standalone installations - Medium Load
코어 엔진과 개발자 커뮤너티
- Confluence 3.0 now implements the Atlassian Plugin Framework 2.2 and the new Shared Access Layer (SAL).
- For more information, please refer to the Plugin Framework Documentation.
관리기능 개선
Confluence contains a number of improvements to its administrative features, many of which are easily accessible from the Administration Console.
- Security improvements:
- A new form token authentication mechanism provides Confluence with the means to validate the origin and intent of requested actions, thus adding an additional level of security against phenomena such as cross-site request forgery. This feature also provides a mechanism for Confluence plugin developers to protect their plugins. For more information, please refer to the form token handling documentation.
- Anti-XSS mode is now enabled by default and the remaining encoding bugs have been fixed.
- You can now generate a thread dump from the Administration Console. See our documentation on generating a thread dump.
- It is now possible to adjust the size of Confluence's internal caches, allowing administrators to fine tune Confluence's cache handling and performance at runtime without the need to restart Confluence. For more information on using this this feature, refer to our page on cache statistics.
- The Office connector contains additional configuration options and provides simplified handling of the {viewfile} macro for the new Macro Browser.
240개 이상의 수정사항 및 개선사항
Page comparisons have been improved such that deletions or additions of single words (and short phrases) within a single line are highlighted red or green, respectively. Furthermore, large sections of unchanged text are compacted to reduce page length, but their content and context can easily be revealed at a click.
- Page comparisons now appear in email notifications, whenever a user edits a page or blog post.
- As well as the enhanced PDF export feature, you can now choose a subsection of a space (such as a document chapter) more easily, to export to XML or HTML.
- Using the new network, profile and user status list macros, you can incorporate components of Confluence 3.0's new community-based features directly into your page or blog post.
- Atlassian now provides support for recently added features to the widget macro, which include Widgetbox, Yahoo Video, Dailymotion, Wufoo HTML Form Builder, DabbleDB, Google Calendar and BackType micro-blogging.
- The Activity Macros now incorporate improved handling of the 'author' parameter.
- Take a look at the complete list of issues resolved in Confluence 3.0.
Page comparisons in email notifications
이번 릴리스에서 알려진 이슈들
We have an enthusiastic and dedicated group of testers and customers who jump in there, try out the new Confluence release, and report any problems so that we can fix them quickly.
We would like to highlight a known issue affecting the rich text editor, in which text cannot be added to the end of line that already ends with a link. Refer to CONF-15053 for more information about this issue. For more information on other known issues associated with the release of Confluence 3.0, please refer to Confluence 3.0 Known Issues.
A big thank you to everyone who helps us ensure that Confluence keeps getting better and better.