Bamboo 버전 2.3 릴리스

2009년 8월 6일
Bamboo 2.3 버전이 릴리스 되었습니다.

Bamboo 2.3 버전은 더욱 빌드 과정을 쉽게 자동화 할 수 있도록 많은 기능이 추가되었습니다.
의존성 블로깅 빌드, 새로운 빌드 통지, 빌드계획 재조정 그리고 빌드계획에 대한 일관작업 등의 기능이 추가되었습니다.

Elastic Bamboo를 사용한다면, 커스텀 elastic image와 instance 스케쥴링을 통해 elastic 리소스를 더욱 쉽게 제어할 수 있습니다.
또한 이제 elastic iamge를 위한 가용영역(availability zone)을 지정할 수 있습니다.
그리고, Amazon의 'reserved instances' 옵션도 사용할 수 있습니다.

개발자를 위한 지원도 강화되었습니다. 새로운 REST API를 이용하여 프로젝트와 빌드계획 그리고 리포트에 대한 정보들을 얻어 사용할 수 있게 되었습니다.
또한 Banana 지원와 downloadable 플러그인과 Web 리소스를 지원하게 되었습니다.

기존 고객의 Bamboo 2.3 업그레이드는 유지보수 기간이 유효한 구매 후 1년 이내의 고객은 무료로 가능합니다.

금번 릴리스 신규기능:


다음 개수 이상: 36 신규 기능과 개선사항 구현
다음 개수 이상: 184 투요(요청사항) 반영

투표와 이슈들은 제품 개선에 많은 도움이 되고 있습니다.

로그인하여 투표하고 이슈 리포팅하시면, 다음버전에 반영할 내용을 결정하는데 도움이 됩니다.!

Bamboo 2.3 버전으로 업그레이드

Bamboo 다운로드는 Bamboo 다운로드 페이지나 혹은 본사 Atlassian 사이트에서 다운로드하실 수 있습니다. 이전 버전에서 업그레이드 하시려면 업그레이드 가이드를 참조하십시요.

Bamboo 2.3 버전 하이라이트

Dependency Blocking 전략

Bamboo 2.3 gives you greater control over your builds with the introduction of dependency blocking. Dependency blocking is a advanced feature of dependent build triggering that can be used to manage builds which have parents. You can ensure that a "tree" of dependent builds always runs in order of the tree hierarchy, even if child builds are triggered independently of their parents.

새로운 빌드 통지와 큐 재배치

Bamboo automatically assign builds to the build queue when they are triggered and no agents are available to run them. In this release, you can now manually reorder builds that have been placed in the build queue. Prioritise a build in the queue if you need it to run urgently, or demote low priority builds. We've also added two new build notifications in this release, 'Build Queue Timeout' and 'Build Queued Without Capable Agents', to help you keep on top of your builds.

일괄작업(Bulk Actions)

We've also made it easier for you to configure multiple build plans via the new bulk actions in Bamboo 2.3. Bulk actions allow you to modify key plan information for multiple plans at once, like adding notifications, changing Subversion URLs and credentials and updating web repository URLs.

다중 Elastic 이미지

Atlassian supplies a default image for use with Elastic Bamboo. In this release, you can now create and/or associate multiple custom images (Linux/Unix) with your Bamboo installation. This means that you can use separate images to start up differently configured elastic instances.

If you want to use EC2 Reserved Instances with Elastic Bamboo, you can also manually specify the availability zone for each of your images in this release.

Elastic Instance 스케쥴링

Bamboo 2.3 makes it easy for you to automatically streamline your build resources by configuring schedules for your elastic instances. You can specify exactly how many elastic instances you want to be active at a particular time and Bamboo will automatically start up or shut down elastic instances as needed.

PHPUnit 빌더

We have added to our stable of builders in Bamboo by bundling the PHPUnit builder plugin with Bamboo. You can now configure build plans to run using this popular testing framework.


Bamboo 2.3 exposes a new REST API for developers. You can use the REST API to retrieve information about projects and plans as well as available actions. You can also retrieve information about build results and reports via the REST API. Results can be returned in either XML or JSON format.

플러그인 변경

In further improvements for Bamboo developers, we have introduced a number of features to help you build Bamboo plugins more easily.

Firstly, Bamboo 2.3 now includes Bandana support. Bandana is our XML-based framework for persistence that is easy to use in plugins. You can use Bandana to store and retrieve data via contexts and key-value pairs.

In addition, you can now define downloadable plugin resources and web resources for your plugins. If you want to include static images, Javascript or CSS with your plugin, you can use downloadable plugin resources or web resources to make them available.

그 외 80 이상의 수정 및 개선사항

JIRA Issues (84 issues)
BAM-3836 Allow users to easily use ActiveMQ JMX integration Resolved
BAM-3635 Support multiple AMIs in Bamboo Resolved
BAM-3634 Alert users of builds which can not be built by any agents Resolved
BAM-3614 Upgrade plugin system to 2.2 Resolved
BAM-3612 Talkback from elastic agent to bamboo server to include EBS volume mount results Resolved
BAM-3287 Create Php Builder Plugin Resolved
BAM-2683 Configurable for the remote agent Resolved
BAM-1677 Servlet plugin point Resolved
BAM-1182 Bulk editing of plans Resolved
BAM-4327 Plugin-able toop level navigation and footers Resolved
BAM-4326 Automatically control starting and stopping of elastic instances by a schedule Resolved
BAM-4324 Show success rate on a particular build agent Resolved
BAM-4253 Automatic SVN error recover should be case insensitive Resolved
BAM-4195 Allow unit tests to run w/o the need for an ANT_HOME to be set. Resolved
BAM-4133 Improve Build Results load times for bamboo-user group Resolved
BAM-4093 Add Elastic Instance hostname/IP address to REST API for listRunningInstances.action Resolved
BAM-4087 Improve error handling and reporting for EC2 ebs snapshot / volume procedures (scripts) Resolved
BAM-4084 Bamboo should figure out if EBS is supposed to be attached and if not, and notifies user. Resolved
BAM-4081 Customise the fedora base ami so that updates have already been applied Resolved
BAM-3890 Notfication when a build has been in the queue for x minutes Resolved
BAM-3766 Upgrade default AMI OS to newer version of Fedora Linux - see reduced scope of this issue Resolved
BAM-3710 REST API returns only one VCS revision for the build, even if multiple changesets are contained in the build Resolved
BAM-3697 Upgrade Bamboo to Bonnie 3.2 Resolved
BAM-1844 Implement intelligent dependency checking Resolved
BAM-1412 Dependencies should check parents for modifications prior to build Resolved
BAM-932 allow a build to be placed at the head of the build queue... (or edit the queue order) Resolved
BAM-781 Support ordering of build dependencies Resolved
BAM-743 For dependent builds, check parent is not running or queued before checkout. Resolved
BAM-734 "Block" dependent builds when a parent build is running Resolved
BAM-560 Dependencies should handle more complex cases Resolved
BAM-4325 Ability to specify availability zones for Elastic Agents Resolved
BAM-3958 Allow build expiry time to be configured Resolved
BAM-3788 Everywhere: Sometimes we use the trash can icon, at other times we use the word "Delete". Resolved
BAM-2503 Add ability to reorder the build queue(s) on the fly Resolved
BAM-3784 Create New Plan > Permissions: Permission Types box bullet points are too far indented to the left. Resolved
BAM-3781 Create Plan > Artifacts: "save" and "cancel" action links have inconsistent case. Resolved
BAM-4257 New REST API disabled Resolved
BAM-4289 Quartz jobs randomly stops Resolved
BAM-4264 Notifications tab when creating plan ui is very screwed Resolved
BAM-4263 Mac OSX installer doesn't ask for or set Bamboo Home property Resolved
BAM-4259 Elastic agent history -> delete causes HTTP 404 error: duplicated bamboo token in returnURL Resolved
BAM-4095 API: I need a field with info that build is currently in 'building' state. Resolved
BAM-3674 Failing Since Wrong Build # Resolved
BAM-3650 Shutting down my Elastic Image doesn't delete my ebs volume Resolved
BAM-3643 Many many open activeMQ threads consume 800% cpu on beac Closed
BAM-3495 Build says it is currently in queue, but does not appear IN the queue Resolved
BAM-4297 startElasticInstances REST method should use configuration name instead of id Resolved
BAM-4292 Maven builds importing bamboo web get atlassian-core 3.6 Resolved
BAM-4288 Elastic Bamoo Agents do not detect failed EBS mounts Resolved
BAM-4262 UpdateCvsModuleBulkAction doesn't have an empty constructor Resolved
BAM-4256 Duplicate notifications not being detected in oracle Closed
BAM-4244 Upgrade 2.2.4 -> 2.3 snapshot fails on Upgrade task 1310 Resolved
BAM-4235 Internal Server Error while saving PHPUnit build with disabled "Log test execution to XML file" Resolved
BAM-4187 hidden bambooSection section displaying onLoad Resolved
BAM-4180 Link to viewImages on the builders page not correct Resolved
BAM-4161 NullPointerException for BuildQueueMonitor Resolved
BAM-4142 Revert Google Collections change Resolved
BAM-4121 Elastic schedules may clash Resolved
BAM-4119 Enable / disable agents don't work from manage instances screen Resolved
BAM-4071 During setup exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.atlassian.bamboo.ww2.actions.admin.elastic.ConfigureElasticImageConfiguration.<init>() is thrown Closed
BAM-4069 Bamboo is still reporting false positives with SUCCESS_MESSAGE_LINES = 3000 Resolved
BAM-4055 /api/rest/getRecentlyCompletedBuildResultsForBuild.action gives empty output Resolved
BAM-4016 IntrospectionException thrown due to interface method mismatch Resolved
BAM-3971 Improve command interface to allow better variable substitution Resolved
BAM-3839 "Remove All Artifacts" link should require confirmation Resolved
BAM-3819 Exceptions in logs when accessing REST method for build without build result Closed
BAM-3770 guessChangeSetId returning null will cause emails to throw exceptions Resolved
BAM-3757 After X Failed Notifications "Updated By" is broken. Resolved
BAM-3722 AuthorName is not html escaped when serving Ajax responses Resolved
BAM-3716 JIRA Bamboo plugin throwing NullPointerException for Confluence Closed
BAM-3703 Wrong defined M2_HOME for elastic bamboo image Resolved
BAM-3689 Elastic agents do not automatically shut down if the Bamboo server is restarted Resolved
BAM-3664 Build results REST XML invalid Resolved
BAM-3523 Elastic agent not unregistered when instance is being killed manually Resolved
BAM-3121 Changing the way the "Updated by" text field is being constructed Resolved
BAM-2184 Disallow directory listing in Jetty. Resolved
BAM-1469 Disabled agents are reenabled on restart Resolved
BAM-4168 Web repository module can be added without a web repository url Resolved
BAM-3660 Builds that took less than 1 sec to execute should be reported as 'less than a second' instead of 'Unknown' Resolved
BAM-3242 Entering incorrect project key gives big stack trace Resolved
BAM-2965 Missing custom build data when examined from a CustomBuildCompleteAction Resolved
BAM-3787 View Plan > Tests: "Most Recent" column hard to understand. Most Recent What? Resolved
BAM-3780 User Profile > Edit: "Jabber Address" label isn't clear. Resolved
BAM-3575 Weird Panelling on General Configuration Updated Resolved


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